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Yellow Borneo Kratom


Yellow Borneo Kratom

Yellow vein Borneo kratom may not be as popular of a kratom strain compared to its white, green, and red counterparts. However, this is due to the fact that it is a less well-known strain for now.

How Is Yellow Vein Borneo Kratom Made?

Yellow vein Borneo kratom is thought to originate from Borneo. This island is located in southeast Asia, a region that has the best environment for the strain to thrive. Featuring high temperatures and humidity along with rich acidic soil, yellow Borneo kratom grows superbly in this area. Besides being cultivated in Borneo, yellow Borneo is also cultivated in various regions across southeast Asia using similar practices and methods that are indigenous to Borneo. It is made by picking suitable kratom leaves which are subjected to a time-consuming complex fermentation and drying process. These leaves are then crushed before it is packaged for the market.

Yellow Vein Borneo Profile

Yellow vein Borneo is a balanced mellow strain loved by many kratom enthusiasts as it is not excessive. Yellow Borneo offers a natural and pleasant experience making it one of the best yellow kratom strains to try.

Available in both Powder and Capsules Form!

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  1. Michele Angelo

    I have been ordering from them for a year now, the best kratom store!! Thank you! Michele

  2. Lisa V.

    I got this as a free sample and I like it better than the one I ordered 500 of. This is my favorite so far – it’s very smooth compared to some of the others.

  3. Al

    Got this in my free sample. Havent had a yellow strain before but was pleasantly surprised.

  4. Nicholas K.
    Verified Buyer

    Great Product!The Nova team has my gratitude.

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